Wednesday, June 23, 2010

UT Lead Experiences and lessons learned

Being in UT Lead I have learned a lot. I have become better acclimated to campus. I have learned some things about being on my own and responsibility for myself only and not others. The many meetings and activities that we've been having have been helping me to become more sociable and more accustomed to speaking out. It has also raised my confidence level a little, not only about coming to college, but also about myself.! I have matured so much in the past few weeks that we've been here. Although I may complain every now and then, I am very grateful for having been chosen to be a part of the UT Lead experience.! :-)


  1. I am so glad that you have been enjoying your UT Lead experience. I, along with everyone else in the program, is here to help you and make your transition to college that much easier. I know that you have struggled with self-esteem issues, but you shouldn't. You are an extremely bright, talented young woman destined for success. Achieving your goals is only half the battle, you must believe in yourself and believe that you CAN achieve your goals first though! I am confident in your abilities and glad to see that your self-confidence is also increasing with each day in the program.

    Write on post-its how great you are, and how great each day is going to be. Treat yourself whenever you accomplish a goal, and tell yourself how great of a person you and beautiful of a woman you are every time you look in the mirror. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise! These are just some small tips to maintaining a positive self-image.
